
sps residency

For the last three months i have been working with Social Print Studios developing and designing a workshop / artist space in thier new SOMA office.  i had the privilege of starting a shop from the ground up, then designed and built work tables for the companies frame department, a library, modular rolling stages, and a unique coffee maker.  this was a great experience, the future is uncertain, and the end will never be. we can create anything, we can imagine everything. <3



only love can do that

i had the privilege of building the archway my dear friends garret and jayna were married under. flower decorations by Mary Ann Rivera, Gabrielle Tigan, Elizabeth Ribera, and Elizabeth Mikutowicz.  reclaimed wood, 6'x 2' x 7'h , lucky horseshoe from my mom.


inside the box

i was invited to design and build the next generation of live printer box for social print studios.  the new design is an alteration on sps's current box but with a modern streamline feel. this was a fun project to think about and i look forward to generation III when things get weird. 

i added vent holes along the side of the printer body.  the walnut end-caps hide the holes and stand off the body by a 1/32" washer to create a space for heat to escape.  

 the radius of the curve was so tight i had to soak the wiggle board and steam bend the plywood into the curve.