I started working at GIZMO last week. we are fabricating a kinetic sculpture for Reuben Margolin, a local east bay artist, for the Anatole Hilton in Dallas, TX. this is a huge project in scale and concept. Reuben has designed a wave sculpture roughly 90' x 60' that will be hung 140'from the ceiling of the hotel. we will be fabricating close to 10,000 bike reflectors that when grouped into three dimensional diamond-shaped modules will act as the wave form. a single offset, motorized arm will engage the diamond-shaped modules in motion. the wave form hangs from a complex system of cables and pulleys that rest on and run through custom fabricated trusses. this is an amazing piece of art and i'm really excited to be apart of this build team. check back in for updates on the project. this is a 4' wide model of the structure. this is a great video about Reuben's process and artwork.