Here are a couple pics of some designs i did for Nued Clothing. The company has kept me minorly distant from the production process so i'm not all that sure how far along they are. I will be sure to post a couple shots of the final pieces and send a link to Nued Clothing's website.
This last Sunday i participated in the aids walk 2008 through Golden Gate park. In light of the event here are a couple pics from James Jean's blog: these two posters were created for AIDES, a European HIV/AIDS NGO, and they won a Bronze Lion at Cannes. Thank you to everyone who help support myself and the cause. The total funds raised to date was $4,512,934.
Oh yes bitches, i be blogging. My .mac webhost is coming to an end in ten days so i'm planning on purchasing a new domain name and building out a new site. keep your ears open for the new URL. i'll post a link here when things are up and running. Still working at the Woodmonster as a carpentor. This is turning into a great stepping stone a towards more work in production design.